How to dump Eeprom, Ram and ROM from cluster.

In order to continue the development of the needle/led sweep patch for more clusters, I need Eeprom and ROM dumps to do so.

In this brief tutorial I will cover the basics on how to dump both and save them to your PC.

What you will need.

  • First of all, a cluster.
  • VAG-KKL dumb cable.
  • A notebook or PC.
  • kw1281test software.

Setting up.

ATTENTION: the dump process can take as long as 2hrs+, make sure you have the appropiate time to do so.

Download kw1281test and extract to a folder, inside the folder where kw1281test.exe executable is, create a file named dump.bat – make sure that the file extension is .bat.

Copy the following code to the file, and save it – or if you prefer, you can download the file in the link above.

Change PORT variable to your KKL cable COM port.

@echo off

echo Starting ROM dump..
timeout /t 2 /nobreak

.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpMem $02000 $6000
.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpMem $18000 $8000
.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpMem $28000 $8000
.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpMem $38000 $8000
.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpMem $48000 $4000

copy /b cluster_mem_$002000.bin + cluster_mem_$018000.bin + cluster_mem_$028000.bin + cluster_mem_$038000.bin + cluster_mem_$048000.bin cluster_rom.bin

echo ROM dump saved to file cluster_rom.bin
echo Starting Eeprom dump..
timeout /t 2 /nobreak

.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpEeprom 0 2048 eeprom.bin

echo Eeprom dump saved to file eeprom.bin
echo Starting RAM dump..
timeout /t 2 /nobreak
.\kw1281test.exe %PORT% 10400 17 DumpRam 0 0x2000 ram.bin

echo RAM dump saved to file ram.bin
echo All done.

dump.bat – download

Dump time!

Once you have everything on it’s place, open a command terminal and go to the folder where the batch script is located, write dump.bat and hit enter!

ATTENTION: like I said earlier – the dump process can take as long as 2hrs+, if the dump fails/pc powers off/etc. you will have to restart the dump process.

How your terminal should look like.

Finishing up.

After the program finished, you should have three files inside the folder where the script is, those files are:

  • cluster_rom.bin – ROM dump.
  • eeprom.bin – Eeprom dump.
  • ram.bin – Ram dump.

The rest of the files are not needed, then you can .zip the files and send them to me via email (

Please include in the title the cluster version, and as message any other significant data that can help to identify the cluster (car year/brand/model/circuit photos) – that way is easier to work with so much clusters and data.

And again, thanks to gmenounos for this awesome tool.

Happy dumping 🙂

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